FoT Whitelisting Functionality - Timelock Governance

The NXD Protocol is designed to be completely immutable, with all contracts renounced except for the whitelist function related to FoT. In the initial stages of active development, we retain control over this function to enable whitelist capabilities for ICX Protocol and other future protocol integrations with regards to the NXD token.

Decentralization varies in its implementation, especially during phases of active development. Initially, maintaining centralized control over this specific function is necessary. Over time, the NXD team plans to transfer this control to NXD token holders, progressively achieving complete governance as Phases II and III of the DXN Hyperstructure Initiative are completed.

To safeguard against potential misuse, we've incorporated a Time-Lock Mechanism, borrowed from Uniswap[1], for this particular function post-LMP and deployment of necessary whitelisted contracts. This mechanism ensures a mandatory 14-day waiting period before any changes take effect, ensuring transparency and preventing unilateral decisions without community awareness.

This measure aims to provide reassurance until we successfully complete Phases II and III of the Hyperstructure Initiative, at which point we will fully transition governance responsibilities.


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