Challenges to DXN’s Long-Term Value Proposition

A direct effect of the token’s distribution model is akin to challenges already known from DeFi yield farming during the previous bull- and bear-cycle. The persistent selling pressure from daily auction participants capitalizing on gains has led to a decline in DXN's value, underscoring a challenge in value leakage within the economic framework of the protocol. In response, the DBXEN team has already clearly recognized this trend and initiated the integration of utility dApps designed to burn DXN tokens, thereby aiming to enhance DXN's scarcity and intrinsic value.

The protocol’s liquidity pool (LP) structure and DXN’s inflationary mechanism have inadvertently encouraged value extraction by XEN burners, rather than reinvestment into the DXN token and overall protocol health. This cycle of extraction over contribution creates a challenge in maintaining a sustainable economic model for the DXN Protocol. Addressing this imbalance is critical for ensuring the long-term viability and value proposition of the DXN ecosystem in preventing a race to the bottom.

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