Why do I receive the error - "DBXen: failed to send amount" / "swap failed" / "unstake error"?

  • The NXD Protocol's smart contracts have built-in protections against slippage and price manipulation through oracle price adjustments. When there's a significant price increase/decrease in NXD/DXN, the oracles promptly require to be updated to reflect the correct average prices, enabling the contracts to be executed effectively.

  • In certain cases, when volatility has been higher than usual, the smart contracts updating the oracles can take longer to execute, read more about it here:


  • If an error such as "DBXen: failed to send amount" / "Swap failed" / "Unstake error" occurs, causing a transaction to revert upon claim/swap/unstake, it’s the safeguard mechanism in effect.

  • This ensures that transactions only proceed once the oracles have updated, which can take some time depending the volatility combined with a low-liquidity exotic LP pair being NXD/DXN UniV2.

  • Please note that: if the process to update the oracle by the smart contracts takes longer than expected, users can manually update the oracle here:


  • Users can just connect their wallet and "write" in order to manually update the oracle, or wait until the UniV2 oracle smart contract has updated automatically.

  • This process will get automated when we've introduced our liquidity strategies building out the NXD/DXN UniV2 LP and External LP's.

Last updated