How to interact with the NXD Staking Vault?

You can stake/unstake NXD tokens by using our custom router at https://dxn-hyperstructure.eth. Follow these steps to successfully stake NXD tokens.

  1. Connect your wallet

Go to https://dxn-hyperstructure.eth and connect your wallet by clicking on the wallet logo in the top-right corner.

On the main page navigate to the NXD Staking Vault dashboard.

  1. Approve NXD tokens in the NXD Staking Vault

First, the user needs to approve the NXD token in their wallet extension by pressing "Approve" and complete the transcation in their wallet extension.

  1. Stake NXD tokens in the NXD Staking Vault

A user can enter the amount of NXD tokens to be staked and press "Stake NXD" and approve the transcation in their wallet extension.

  1. Unstake NXD tokens from the NXD Staking Vault

To unstake NXD tokens a 24h waiting period is activated. After 24h users receive the full NXD amount in their wallet. After completion, users can press the “Unstake NXD” button to receive their NXD tokens in full.

  1. Penalty unstake NXD tokens from the NXD Staking Vault

If a user wants to immediately claim their NXD tokens – they can choose to incur a penalty of 25% to their NXD principal and receive their NXD tokens in full without having to wait 24 hours at a 25% discount.

Last updated