DXN Price Performance, Access List, ROI Measures and XEN Burn

DXN Price Performance and ROI Measures

Since its launch, the DXN token has experienced both extremely rapid up- and downward price trends in terms of its token performance, while maintaining a 80–90% stake-rate of DXN tokens inside the DXN Protocol. The activity in the daily auction has reached a strong equilibrium of burners resulting in an ROI fluctuating between ~0.15–0.30% of daily ETH interest per DXN staked, as of this day of writing according to Wapmat[3].

Acces List XEN Burners

The Native Protocol Fee APY for DXN stakers is dependent on the activity in the daily auctions cycles which became far more competitive due to the usage of the access list[1], which we applaud participants for.

The usage of the access list[2] by DXN miners introduces a strategic component into the acquisition of daily DXN rewards through the burning of XEN, facilitating a reliable ETH revenue stream for DXN stakers as they monetize their strategic engagements.

To cultivate a community characterized by its strategic acumen and ambition, we invite all individuals on the access list to document and circulate their strategic frameworks. This initiative transcends mere skill, delving into the realms of game theory and psychological analysis, tailored for the intellectually rigorous and audaciously strategic. Incentivizing the community to contribute their game-theoretical strategies serves as a potent form of organic marketing, amplifying the prize pool's attractiveness and enhancing visibility as the initiative gains traction.

XEN Burn Statistics

Another element that became evident from the data is that, the propensity to burn directly correlates with the price performance of the DXN token. This demonstrates a positive correlation between the DXN price, XEN burn rates, and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for stakers.

According to Xen.Pub as of writing, the DXN Protocol has approximately burned a total of 7tn XEN through the process of its token distribution. As earlier described, there's a direct correlation between the propensity to burn XEN and the price performance of the DXN token. Indirect XEN Burn Effect by NXD Protocol and the DXN Hyperstructure Initiative

An often overlooked consequence of the NXD Protocol launch is its positive influence on the XEN Burn. The DXN Hyperstructure Initiative enhances the scarcity of DXN tokens by introducing a deflationary and compounding derivative via the NXD Protocol, followed by deflationary yield farming through the ICX Protocol.

This setup leads to increased speculation and utilization of the DXN protocol through NXD and ICX. According to historical data from Xen.Pub, a logical outcome is an increase in DXN's intrinsic value, which significantly boosts the propensity to burn XEN for DXN in the daily auction, particularly during periods when DXN's price is rising.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=9GXklzCV73g&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F

[2] https://docs.infura.io/api/networks/ethereum/json-rpc-methods/eth_createaccesslist#:~:text=Access%20lists%20are%20a%20part,a%20transaction%20intends%20to%20access.

[3] https://www.wapmat.com/ as of 17th of March 2024

Last updated